
LIVE VOICE cover band

Ksenia becomes a member of cover band “Live voice”. The group was united by joint participation in the project "Voice of Russia». Each of the participants is a unique performer and develops his own solo career. But when these people get together, they create a truly beautiful show.



LIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover bandLIVE VOICE cover band

Manager, Booking, Press & PR:

Viktor Yakushev

tel. +7(926)245-74-70

e-mail: [email protected]

Exclusive representative in China:

China (Beijing) international

movie-TV "Junvenile" LTD

[email protected], [email protected]

13901246028, 13522897977

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