
Ksenia played curling!

9th of February the most fun winter star curling competition was held at the site of the Russian Curling Federation. Ksenia fought for the title of best in this sport in a team of Russian stars with Oleg Gazmanov, Dima Koldun and Zhenya Osin. Despite multiple fallings and, as a result, a huge number of bruises, beautiful Ksenia went out on the ice again and again. She tried to lead the puck to cherished goal without mercy to her own body. More experienced teammates, Oleg Gazmanov and Dima Koldun, gladly helped in a difficult fight. - It was first time I played curling and I did not even think that it was so entertaining, - the singer shares emotions. “I think I'll become an compulsive curling girl now.”



Ksenia played curling!Ksenia played curling!

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